Sunday, August 06, 2006

.::. Love once grand .::.

It's a been long time.

A long lonely time.

Since I've taken the time,

To sit and write a rhyme.

Life's been pushing down hard.

Stressing emotions thin.

Not quite sure when to grin.
Not capable of thinking.

The battle has been fought,

Even though they were for naught.

You aimed at me with intense precision,
Failing to realize my own decision.

It seemed like an eternity.

As I watched that arrow burn freely.

Shocked but knowing surely,
That I must attack greatly.

I truly do not understand.

How our Love once grand.

Became so bland.

It was once grand, now it's merely anger.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you and I am sorry. It is sad to hear that sometimes other people feel the same way I do. Sometimes I feel like I am slipping into and out of madness. I feel like you were writing about me. It feels like your one ally against the word becomes the traitor. Things are better now. I hope they become that way for you.

Monday, August 07, 2006  
Blogger Phantasmal Spectre said...

Anonymous: Thanks you for your comments. Things are much better now actually. Writing has always been a great relief of emotion. It leaves me feeling so great when I reflect back on worse times write about it and then look at the situation today and realize how much better things have really become. Come back again sometime.

Sunday, August 13, 2006  

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