Wednesday, August 31, 2005

.::. You keep ignoring fate .::.

Waking up this afternoon,
rolling over hitting snooze.
I think of you and wonder why,
Wonder why, why I love you.

Every time you roll your eyes,
every time I see you cry.
I look at you with open arms,
you run away as if harmed.

I saw you cross that spring morn,
you turned your head as if torn.
I simply can not understand,
why our hearts can not land.

You keep me five feet away.
Why don't you stop running today?
You keep ignoring fate.
Never realizing I'm your mate.

Don't you know our love is true?
Why must we always feel blue?
Destiny can not be fooled,
even though your mind may rule.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

.::. Going somewhere? .::.

Driving a long down interstate seventy-seven on my way to work, it was like any other normal day. I was looking forward to getting into work to check out and some the new leaked auto photos. I knew I had to avoid my boss this morning too. It was already 8:24 I was a half an hour late. I forgot to fill up my coffee mug before I left. All of these semi-meaningless nuances that add up to one big nuance which is what I had to do when I got to my destination. But wait, is it not common in the twenty-first ultra-fast century that we live in today all about. The destination. The finish, the next step seeing the big picture? If not I'll give you another example of what I'm convening to you. While driving somewhere and running late thoughts become focused on the destination. You stop paying attention to where you are start paying attention to where you are going. Is it not easy to fall into this trap?

Fast-forward thirty-five seconds after that brief lapse of enlightenment and you begin to remember where you are. You focus on your surroundings. Your driving in a neighborhood, you recognize the road but nothing in particular it's just the back way home you take when it is nice out. Then a small child four or five years of age runs into his driveway and trips. You see the child cry it out for help because of the stinging and sight of blood. The mother runs out and picks up the child. She puts a small pad with alcohol on it and dabs it on the burn. The child screams again, but the mother just reassures the child with a pat on the head.

Fast-forward thirty-five seconds the mother and child are out of site and you suddenly realize how much activity is going on in this small, familiar neighborhood. There's a man yelling at his wife from the lawn mower. A mail man struggling with a package. All of these things are happening in the present that you are missing out on. All because you are paying to much attention to the future. After observing these events and pondering them for short time I decided that:

It is more important to pay attention to where you are,
and remember where you are going,
then it is to pay attention to where you are going,
and remember where you are.

Maybe that seems obvious to you, or maybe it does not even click to you, but maybe just maybe it makes perfect sense. And maybe you just think to your self about where you are, and slowing things down just a bit. We all have places to go and deadlines to meet, but maybe we can all remember that we have been there before and just slow things down and start paying attention to where we are instead of where we are going.

.::. Coping .::.

abstract image
Depression is a mood that all of us feel from time to time, some more frequently than others. Caused by situations, chemical inbalances and a slew of other things. When depresssion comes on strong we often feel that world is working against us, and that the only way to fight is to give up. This is not the attitude we should take. No matter how much crap life hands you, it may be comforting to realize that someone else has gone through the exact same thing before. Life is a difficult adventure and as soon you have your ducks all lined in a neat row, you get smacked in the face by something unexpected. A car wreck, a divorce or you may find out that your girlfriend is pregnant. Whatever the reason you feel depressed just take a step back and try to get a grasp on things. It is never easy pulling out, but have faith in your self and the answers will make themselves apparent.

Monday, August 29, 2005

.::. Last Moments .::.

Life wraps you up, in the daily grind.
Pulling you in, as you loose your mind.

Days fly by, months move quickly.
Now you lay, hoping to go swiftly.

Your mind is lost, your life is gone.
All thats left, is mornings dawn.

Looking back, upon your life.
You stare in wonder, at the knife.

Blood drips slowly, on the rug.
Would things be different, without the drugs.

Alas it's time to die, deaths bell is ringing.
The reaper greets you, bone finger reaching.

.::. Why .::.

Why do I always feel this way.
Why do I always run a way.

I wish that you knew how much I care.
I wish that you knew my despair.

My Love for you is beyond words.
My heart bleeds without you.

When will we give this a try.
Will it happen before I die.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

.::. It's no secret .::.

It's no secret how I feel about you.
I have never hidden my thoughts surrounding.
You know that my Love for you is true,
and for some reason I can't live without you.

You claim to love me, but you never call.
You disappear, without ever a notice.
I can't seem to forget your eyes.
That way you smile, and your soul comes alive.

It's no secret that I'll always Love you.
It's no secret that I'll be true.
One day you'll realize that our timing is perfect.
On that day you'll forget this other shit.

.::. Unveiling .::.

Today is the day of unveiling. To welcome whomever comes into my thoughts. You will find here as this spot develops a collection of rhymes, moods & madness. Things that may not make sense to all or any, yet they made sense to one for at least a passing moment. I leave you with a short rhythm about someone who I care for dearly.